Saturday, February 1, 2020

Guelph music program connecting seniors with toddlers has some interesting results - GuelphToday - #has


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Guelph music program connecting seniors with toddlers has some interesting results - GuelphToday - #connecting

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Tags: connecting seniors with toddlers

Fri, 31 Jan 2020 18:45:00 GMT

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from Guelph music program connecting seniors with toddlers has some interesting results - GuelphToday - #music

Maine lawmakers propose bill to ban 'deepfake' political ads - WGME - #'deepfake'


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Maine lawmakers propose bill to ban 'deepfake' political ads - WGME - #to

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Tags: 'deepfake' political ads, ban 'deepfake' political ads -, ban 'deepfake' political ads - WGME, to ban 'deepfake' political ads - WGME, ban 'deepfake' political, Maine lawmakers propose bill to ban, lawmakers propose

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Tags: bill to ban

Fri, 31 Jan 2020 16:21:00 GMT

Perfumes & Cosmetics - You have the biggest discounts, depending on the value of the order!


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#Tags: | #lawmakers | #propose | #to | #political |

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from Maine lawmakers propose bill to ban 'deepfake' political ads - WGME - #to | via #aePiot

St. Pete pastor's political prayer ruffles lawmakers' feathers in Tallahassee - - #ruffles | via aePiot


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St. Pete pastor's political prayer ruffles lawmakers' feathers in Tallahassee - - #St.

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2020 presidential candidates' political ad spending floods Super Bowl  Center for Responsive Politics

Lamar Alexander’s impeachment vote on witnesses shows how our politics is broken - - Related
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Tags: feathers in, lawmakers' feathers, ruffles lawmakers', ruffles, political prayer ruffles lawmakers' feathers in, lawmakers' feathers in Tallahassee, prayer

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Tags: Pete pastor's political prayer

Sat, 01 Feb 2020 04:25:00 GMT

Perfumes & Cosmetics - You have the biggest discounts, depending on the value of the order!


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#Tags: | #Pete | #political | #ruffles | #lawmakers' |

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from St. Pete pastor's political prayer ruffles lawmakers' feathers in Tallahassee - - #pastor's | via aePiot

Does music make exercise more effective? - BBC News - #make | via #aePiot


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Does music make exercise more effective? - BBC News - #exercise

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Tags: exercise more

Wed, 08 Jan 2020 08:00:00 GMT

Perfumes & Cosmetics - You have the biggest discounts, depending on the value of the order!


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