Sunday, March 22, 2020

Woman with Covid-19 shares symptoms and says it's 'not pleasant but survivable' - #shares | via #aePiot

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart says coronavirus ‘hit me like a ton of bricks’ - #me | via #aePiot

Guards union says prison needle exchange expansion on hold because of COVID-19 - #Guards

Anheuser-Busch, New York distilleries making hand sanitizer during coronavirus crisis - #distilleries | via #aePiot

Coronavirus: Long-distance couple make masks to stop COVID-19 - #masks

Woman with 'very different' Covid-19 symptoms shares fear at testing positive - #symptoms | via #aePiot

Sadiq Khan's grave coronavirus warning in bid 'to stop people dying' - #grave | via aePiot

Coronavirus Diary Day 3: Long Island mom reveals how to prepare for ‘quarantine prison’ - #Coronavirus | via #aePiot

Coronavirus: Long-distance couple make masks to stop COVID-19 - #to | via #aePiot

'Rishi Sunak must not repeat Tories' past mistakes after Covid-19 war is over' - #must

Medics warn NHS staff don't have kit to protect themselves against coronavirus - #have | via aePiot

Coronavirus: Canadian company working with Ottawa to boost ventilator production - #Ottawa | via #aePiot

German Chancellor Angela Merkel in quarantine after doctor tests positive for coronavirus - #after

Milwaukee landlord slashes rent to $100 amid coronavirus outbreak - #coronavirus | via aePiot

Saskatchewan municipalities can’t make up their own coronavirus regulations: province - #up | via aePiot

'Rishi Sunak must not repeat Tories' past mistakes after Covid-19 war is over' - #past | via #aePiot

Prince Andrew under renewed pressure to speak to FBI amid Jeffrey Epstein book - #to | via aePiot

Mitt Romney goes into self-quarantine after exposure to Rand Paul - #self-quarantine | via aePiot

As coronavirus travel restrictions ramp up, major airline hubs take a hit - #ramp

German Chancellor Angela Merkel in quarantine after doctor tests positive for coronavirus - #doctor

Saskatchewan municipalities can’t make up their own coronavirus regulations: province - #up | via #aePiot

Medics warn NHS staff don't have kit to protect themselves against coronavirus - #don't | via aePiot

As coronavirus travel restrictions ramp up, major airline hubs take a hit - #restrictions