Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Continuă dezinfecția în Pitești - #


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Continuă dezinfecția în Pitești - #în

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Casa de modă Dior și-a prezentat ultima colecție într-un mod extravagant (Video)

36 de turiști străini, depistați cu noul coronavirus la intrarea în Grecia

Un șofer care a plecat cu furtunul de la pompă a provocat haos într-o benzinărie de pe Autostrada Soarelui (Video)

România deschide granițele, fără restricții, pentru călători din 44 de state

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Thu, 02 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0300

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Sezon încheiat pentru rugbystii CSS Bârlad - #Sezon | via #aePiot


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Sezon încheiat pentru rugbystii CSS Bârlad - #Sezon

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Jeffrey Epstein’s ex-girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell bail hearing set for July 14

At least 7 men forcibly restrained Black teen who died in youth facility, video shows

Woman says she was asked to leave East Van Bikram yoga studio for wearing a mask

U.S., South Korean officials meet in Seoul as North Korea rejects nuclear talks

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CFIA halts commercial puppy imports from Ukraine after dead dogs found at Toronto airport

Trump says he’s ‘flexible’ on size of Republican convention amid COVID-19

Montreal community groups call on city to defund the police

Canada’s coronavirus decline continues as cases surpass 106,000
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Tue, 07 Jul 2020 20:30:40 +0000

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from Sezon încheiat pentru rugbystii CSS Bârlad - #încheiat | via #aePiot http://www.vremeanoua.ro/sezon-incheiat-pentru-rugbystii-css-barlad

U.S., South Korean officials meet in Seoul as North Korea rejects nuclear talks - #meet


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U.S., South Korean officials meet in Seoul as North Korea rejects nuclear talks - #Korean

#hashtag #South - #South - #in - #U.S., - #Seoul - #officials - #South |

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U.S., South Korean officials meet in Seoul as North Korea rejects nuclear talks

Ontario farmers ‘concerned’ as crops continue to die amid drought: ‘It’s bad’
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Tags: Korean officials meet in Seoul as, Seoul as North Korea rejects nuclear, Korean officials meet in Seoul as North, South, officials meet, South Korean, officials meet

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Wed, 08 Jul 2020 02:41:05 +0000

Perfumes & Cosmetics - You have the biggest discounts, depending on the value of the order!


#hashtag #officials - #Korean - #in - #Seoul - #officials - #meet - #U.S., |

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from U.S., South Korean officials meet in Seoul as North Korea rejects nuclear talks - #Korean | via #aePiot http://e.548363458.aepiot.com/Related/other-news/index.php?z-60354260

Ontario farmers ‘concerned’ as crops continue to die amid drought: ‘It’s bad’ - #Ontario | via #aePiot


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Ontario farmers ‘concerned’ as crops continue to die amid drought: ‘It’s bad’ - #‘concerned’

#hashtag #continue - #Ontario - #farmers - #continue - #as - #die - #Ontario |

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More ... RELATED ...

At least 7 men forcibly restrained Black teen who died in youth facility, video shows

Woman says she was asked to leave East Van Bikram yoga studio for wearing a mask

U.S., South Korean officials meet in Seoul as North Korea rejects nuclear talks

Ontario farmers ‘concerned’ as crops continue to die amid drought: ‘It’s bad’

Montreal community groups call on city to defund the police

Canada’s coronavirus decline continues as cases surpass 106,000
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Tags: ‘concerned’ as crops, farmers, farmers ‘concerned’ as crops, as crops, farmers, crops continue to die amid, crops continue to die amid

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Tags: die, as crops continue to die amid drought:, die amid, as crops continue, farmers ‘concerned’ as crops, Ontario farmers ‘concerned’, die amid drought: ‘It’s


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Tags: crops continue

Wed, 08 Jul 2020 02:18:04 +0000

Perfumes & Cosmetics - You have the biggest discounts, depending on the value of the order!


#hashtag #die - #continue - #continue - #die - #‘concerned’ - #Ontario - #continue |

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from Ontario farmers ‘concerned’ as crops continue to die amid drought: ‘It’s bad’ - #‘concerned’ | via aePiot http://z.429932933.allgraph.ro/Related/other-news/index.php?d-755033424