Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Language barriers cited as challenge for police in increasingly diverse Canada - #barriers


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Language barriers cited as challenge for police in increasingly diverse Canada - #police

#hashtag #cited - #police - #in - #police - #challenge - #police - #barriers |

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Firefighters respond to report of explosion at downtown Edmonton apartment building - Related

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Wet conditions causing big problems in Lamont County as agriculture disaster declared - Related

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Tags: as challenge for police in, challenge for police in, in increasingly diverse Canada, police in increasingly diverse Canada, challenge for police in, in increasingly diverse, cited

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Tags: police, challenge for police, police, police in increasingly diverse Canada, for, as challenge for police in increasingly, as


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Tags: cited as challenge

Wed, 24 Jun 2020 03:50:13 +0000

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from Language barriers cited as challenge for police in increasingly diverse Canada - #challenge | via aePiot http://m.848412948.aepiot.com?q=for police in increasingly diverse

Wet conditions causing big problems in Lamont County as agriculture disaster declared - #Wet | via aePiot


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Wet conditions causing big problems in Lamont County as agriculture disaster declared - #in

#hashtag #in - #problems - #conditions - #big - #Wet - #Lamont - #causing |

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Language barriers cited as challenge for police in increasingly diverse Canada - Related

University of Saskatchewan report calls for cultural development of province’s evacuation plan - Related

Petition calls for minister to resign after province announces Saskatoon jail expansion - Related

Former Harper government House leader becomes interim leader of Wexit Canada - Related

Wet conditions causing big problems in Lamont County as agriculture disaster declared - Related

Blue Jays face challenge to play in Toronto - Related

Author dedicates chidren’s book to murdered Oak Bay, B.C., sisters - Related

Douglas Bagnall sentenced to 5 years for fatal impaired driving crash near Lethbridge - Related

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Tags: County as, in Lamont County, County as agriculture disaster declared, conditions causing big problems in Lamont, County as agriculture disaster declared, in Lamont County as agriculture, causing

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Tags: County as, in Lamont County as agriculture, causing big problems, problems in, Lamont County as, County as agriculture disaster declared, Lamont County as agriculture disaster


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Tags: problems in

Wed, 24 Jun 2020 02:27:26 +0000

Perfumes & Cosmetics - You have the biggest discounts, depending on the value of the order!


#hashtag #Lamont - #County - #in - #problems - #big - #County - #causing |

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from Wet conditions causing big problems in Lamont County as agriculture disaster declared - #conditions | via aePiot https://globalnews.ca/news/7100329/lamont-county-rain-problems/

Petition calls for minister to resign after province announces Saskatoon jail expansion - #province


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Petition calls for minister to resign after province announces Saskatoon jail expansion - #resign

#hashtag #resign - #after - #province - #minister - #for - #after - #Petition |

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University of Saskatchewan report calls for cultural development of province’s evacuation plan - Related

Petition calls for minister to resign after province announces Saskatoon jail expansion - Related

Douglas Bagnall sentenced to 5 years for fatal impaired driving crash near Lethbridge - Related

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Tags: for minister, after province announces Saskatoon jail expansion, resign after, Petition, after province announces Saskatoon, Petition calls, resign

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Tags: Petition calls for minister to, for minister, minister to resign after, to resign after province announces Saskatoon jail, to, Petition calls for minister to resign after, Petition calls for minister to resign


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Tags: for minister

Wed, 24 Jun 2020 02:32:31 +0000

Perfumes & Cosmetics - You have the biggest discounts, depending on the value of the order!


#hashtag #to - #to - #resign - #for - #for - #minister - #after |

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from Petition calls for minister to resign after province announces Saskatoon jail expansion - #Petition | via #aePiot http://x.728532393.allgraph.ro?q=resign after

Petition calls for minister to resign after province announces Saskatoon jail expansion - #resign


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Petition calls for minister to resign after province announces Saskatoon jail expansion - #calls

#hashtag #resign - #after - #to - #minister - #minister - #minister - #for |

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Petition calls for minister to resign after province announces Saskatoon jail expansion - Related

Wet conditions causing big problems in Lamont County as agriculture disaster declared - Related

Blue Jays face challenge to play in Toronto - Related

MLB set to return amid coronavirus with new 60-game schedule starting late July - Related

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Tags: to resign after, to resign after province announces, Petition calls for, resign after province, to resign after province announces Saskatoon, minister to resign after province announces, calls

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Tags: calls for minister to resign after, to resign after province, Petition calls for minister to, for, Petition calls for minister, calls, after


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Tags: to resign

Wed, 24 Jun 2020 02:32:31 +0000

Perfumes & Cosmetics - You have the biggest discounts, depending on the value of the order!


#hashtag #after - #to - #for - #minister - #minister - #for - #calls |

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from Petition calls for minister to resign after province announces Saskatoon jail expansion - #after | via #aePiot http://a.615826180.allgraph.ro?q=announces Saskatoon jail expansion

Author dedicates chidren’s book to murdered Oak Bay, B.C., sisters - #dedicates | via aePiot


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Author dedicates chidren’s book to murdered Oak Bay, B.C., sisters - #to

#hashtag #to - #chidren’s - #murdered - #dedicates - #Bay, - #murdered - #murdered |

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University of Saskatchewan report calls for cultural development of province’s evacuation plan - Related

Petition calls for minister to resign after province announces Saskatoon jail expansion - Related

Former Harper government House leader becomes interim leader of Wexit Canada - Related

MLB set to return amid coronavirus with new 60-game schedule starting late July - Related

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Tags: book to, book to murdered Oak Bay, B.C., sisters, chidren’s, chidren’s book to, book to murdered Oak Bay, B.C.,, chidren’s book to murdered Oak Bay,, Bay, B.C., sisters

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Tags: chidren’s book to murdered Oak Bay, B.C.,, to murdered Oak Bay, B.C.,, murdered Oak Bay, B.C., sisters, murdered Oak Bay,, Bay, B.C., sisters, chidren’s book, Oak Bay, B.C., sisters


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Tags: dedicates chidren’s book to

Wed, 24 Jun 2020 02:01:31 +0000

Perfumes & Cosmetics - You have the biggest discounts, depending on the value of the order!


#hashtag #to - #Bay, - #murdered - #book - #chidren’s - #murdered - #Author |

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from Author dedicates chidren’s book to murdered Oak Bay, B.C., sisters - #Oak | via aePiot https://globalnews.ca/news/7100272/berry-sisters-book/