Friday, July 3, 2020

Un nou proiect cu bani europeni la Pitești - #bani | via aePiot


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Un nou proiect cu bani europeni la Pitești - #proiect

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Violent ‘white fringe’ co-opting Portland protests, Black leaders say

8-year-old killed, 3 others hurt in shooting at Alabama shopping mall

Daiya dairy-free ice cream recalled in B.C., Alberta because it contains dairy

Winnipeg police searching for missing 9-year-old boy believed to have entered water near Louise Bridge

Dr. Bonnie Henry picks up Fluevog shoes, tours Gastown mural exhibition
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Tags: bani europeni la, bani europeni, Un nou proiect cu bani, nou proiect cu bani europeni la Pitești, proiect, la Pitești, cu bani europeni la Pitești

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Fri, 03 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0300

Perfumes & Cosmetics - You have the biggest discounts, depending on the value of the order!


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from Other News

8-year-old killed, 3 others hurt in shooting at Alabama shopping mall - #hurt


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8-year-old killed, 3 others hurt in shooting at Alabama shopping mall - #at

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Covid-19 în Argeș: 919 bolnavi, 47 de decese

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Primarul Dan Stroe anunță noi investiții la Bradu

Prefectul Soare, apel la responsabilitate

25.845 de piteșteni au depus declarația pentru taxa de salubrizare

872 de argeșeni, infectați cu noul coronavirus
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Tags: shooting at Alabama shopping mall, killed, 3 others hurt in, at Alabama shopping mall, at, hurt in shooting at, killed, 3, at Alabama shopping mall

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Tags: 8-year-old killed, 3 others hurt, 8-year-old killed, 3 others hurt in shooting, 3, shooting at Alabama shopping mall, shooting at Alabama shopping mall, 3 others hurt, shooting at Alabama shopping mall


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Sat, 04 Jul 2020 02:24:49 +0000

Perfumes & Cosmetics - You have the biggest discounts, depending on the value of the order!


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from 8-year-old killed, 3 others hurt in shooting at Alabama shopping mall - #others | via aePiot

Mai mulți pacienți vindecaţi de coronavirus s-au reinfectat. Medicii iau în calcul o mutaţie a virusului - #s-au


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Mai mulți pacienți vindecaţi de coronavirus s-au reinfectat. Medicii iau în calcul o mutaţie a virusului - #pacienți

#hashtag #mulți - #coronavirus - #Mai - #de - #Mai - #Mai - #vindecaţi |

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Rezultate finale Evaluare Națională 2020 - sesiune specială. Lista notelor după rezolvarea contestațiilor, afișată de

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Premierul Ludovic Orban: Aș prelungi starea de alertă dacă ar trebui să iau decizia pentru mâine, având în vedere numărul de cazuri din ultimele zile
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Tags: s-au reinfectat. Medicii iau în calcul, coronavirus s-au, s-au reinfectat. Medicii iau în calcul, s-au reinfectat. Medicii, vindecaţi de coronavirus, reinfectat. Medicii, reinfectat.

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Tags: mulți pacienți vindecaţi de coronavirus s-au, coronavirus, vindecaţi de, coronavirus s-au reinfectat. Medicii, vindecaţi de coronavirus s-au reinfectat. Medicii, Mai mulți pacienți vindecaţi de coronavirus, pacienți vindecaţi de coronavirus s-au


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Tags: de coronavirus s-au reinfectat.

Fri, 03 Jul 2020 16:47:01 +0300

Perfumes & Cosmetics - You have the biggest discounts, depending on the value of the order!


#hashtag #pacienți - #mulți - #reinfectat. - #coronavirus - #reinfectat. - #s-au - #vindecaţi |

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from Mai mulți pacienți vindecaţi de coronavirus s-au reinfectat. Medicii iau în calcul o mutaţie a virusului - #Mai | via #aePiot Medicii iau în calcul o mutaţie a virusului

Primarul Dan Stroe anunță noi investiții la Bradu - #Bradu | via aePiot


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Primarul Dan Stroe anunță noi investiții la Bradu - #la

#hashtag #Primarul - #Dan - #Primarul - #Dan - #investiții - #Dan - #investiții |

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8-year-old killed, 3 others hurt in shooting at Alabama shopping mall

Coronavirus: Mexico reverses some openings as cases increase by 6,740

Daiya dairy-free ice cream recalled in B.C., Alberta because it contains dairy

Winnipeg police searching for missing 9-year-old boy believed to have entered water near Louise Bridge

Cleveland Indians to review name amid growing pressure

Alberta hamlet of Watino under mandatory evacuation order due to flooding concerns
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Tags: Bradu, noi investiții la Bradu, Stroe anunță noi investiții la, noi investiții la, Dan Stroe anunță noi investiții, Dan Stroe anunță noi investiții, investiții la Bradu

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Tags: la Bradu, Primarul Dan Stroe anunță noi investiții la, anunță noi, la Bradu, Dan Stroe anunță noi, Stroe anunță noi investiții la, anunță noi investiții la


Perfumes - Cosmetics - Accessories - New products

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Tags: Stroe anunță noi

Sat, 27 Jun 2020 00:00:00 +0300

Perfumes & Cosmetics - You have the biggest discounts, depending on the value of the order!


#hashtag #Bradu - #la - #Stroe - #noi - #Dan - #Primarul - #Bradu |

Internet Business - Empowering business productivity through insight, innovation, passion and customer excellence.

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News from Arges - Administrative, economic, political news and not only from Pitesti and Arges.

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from Primarul Dan Stroe anunță noi investiții la Bradu - #noi