Wednesday, July 1, 2020

How the Lighthouse in Saskatoon is helping keep the vulnerable safe during COVID-19 - #Lighthouse


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How the Lighthouse in Saskatoon is helping keep the vulnerable safe during COVID-19 - #How

#hashtag #How - #keep - #Lighthouse - #keep - #Lighthouse - #is - #is |

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Dozens of homes evacuated as water overwhelms Rivers, Man. dam

1 person dead, 5 in hospital after pickup truck, SUV collide northeast of Grande Prairie

Putin granted presidential powers until 2036 in landslide Russian vote

How the Lighthouse in Saskatoon is helping keep the vulnerable safe during COVID-19
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Thu, 02 Jul 2020 01:12:58 +0000

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Hundreds demonstrate in Vancouver against China’s new security law - #Vancouver | via aePiot


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Hundreds demonstrate in Vancouver against China’s new security law - #against

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Police investigate suspicious death in northeast Calgary

1 person dead, 5 in hospital after pickup truck, SUV collide northeast of Grande Prairie

Hundreds attend Saskatoon Cancel Canada Day demonstration

Hundreds demonstrate in Vancouver against China’s new security law

How the Lighthouse in Saskatoon is helping keep the vulnerable safe during COVID-19

Fire breaks out at apartment building in Edmonton’s Oliver neighbourhood
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Tags: in Vancouver against China’s, Hundreds demonstrate in Vancouver against China’s new, security law, Hundreds demonstrate in Vancouver, China’s new security law, Hundreds demonstrate in Vancouver against, Hundreds demonstrate in Vancouver against China’s new

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Thu, 02 Jul 2020 01:20:47 +0000

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from Hundreds demonstrate in Vancouver against China’s new security law - #in | via #aePiot

Hundreds attend Saskatoon Cancel Canada Day demonstration - #demonstration


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Hundreds attend Saskatoon Cancel Canada Day demonstration - #Hundreds

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‘We took this seriously:’ Trump, top U.S. officials defend Russian bounty response

Police investigate suspicious death in northeast Calgary

Dozens of homes evacuated as water overwhelms Rivers, Man. dam

New Zealand health minister resigns as coronavirus cases re-emerge

1 person dead, 5 in hospital after pickup truck, SUV collide northeast of Grande Prairie

Putin granted presidential powers until 2036 in landslide Russian vote

Hundreds attend Saskatoon Cancel Canada Day demonstration

24 dead in Mexico after gunmen storm drug rehab facility
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Tags: Saskatoon Cancel Canada Day

Thu, 02 Jul 2020 01:29:17 +0000

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from Hundreds attend Saskatoon Cancel Canada Day demonstration - #demonstration | via aePiot demonstration

Castorii ar accelera încălzirea globală. Cum este posibil acest lucru - #este


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Castorii ar accelera încălzirea globală. Cum este posibil acest lucru - #încălzirea

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Tags: încălzirea globală. Cum

Wed, 01 Jul 2020 21:41:00 +0300

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from Castorii ar accelera încălzirea globală. Cum este posibil acest lucru - #încălzirea

Trump promises massive July 4 firework display despite DC’s coronavirus concerns - #July | via #aePiot


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Trump promises massive July 4 firework display despite DC’s coronavirus concerns - #4

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Tags: promises massive July 4 firework display, July, 4 firework display, despite DC’s coronavirus concerns, despite DC’s coronavirus concerns, July 4 firework, Trump promises

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Tags: promises massive July

Thu, 02 Jul 2020 00:36:15 +0000

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