OPP say 7 dead, close to 15K charges laid during recent holiday safety campaign - #charges
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Tags: OPP, dead, close, charges, close to 15K charges laid during recent, 7 dead,, 15K charges laid during, 15K charges laid during recent holiday safety
Tags: charges laid during recent holiday, to 15K charges, 15K charges laid, say, 7, charges laid during recent holiday, close to 15K charges laid
Perfumes - Cosmetics - Accessories - New products
Source News: Antena1 | Antena3 | ArgesulVorbeste | B1 | Digi24 | Observator | ObservatorNews | Rador | RomaniaTV | StirilePROTV | StiriTVR | VremeaNoua
Tags: 7 dead, closeThu, 09 Jul 2020 02:10:13 +0000
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from OPP say 7 dead, close to 15K charges laid during recent holiday safety campaign - #close https://globalnews.ca/news/7156253/opp-canada-day-week-campaign-charges/